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5 Questions to Ask Before Having Your AC repaired in Waco

5 Questions to Ask Before Having Your AC repaired in Waco

It's the middle of summer, and your AC's on the fritz.

Not what you want in Waco, Texas, where, as you're only too well aware, the average high in August is 95°.

Is it time for a new AC, new HVAC system or does it just need some care and attention? It can be hard to know when you're not an expert in the air.

That's where our 5 questions come in.

Ask these 5 questions before getting AC repair , and you'll know you're getting exactly what you need.

1. Have I Cleaned My Filters?
Clogged air filters are a good way to ensure that you don't get the temperature you want from your AC.

Before paying a callout charge for an AC repair , perform a visual check on your air filters. If you can see they're clogged with dust, give them a thorough clean and replace them.

If after this, you're still having issues, it might be worth calling the professionals at All Pro.

2. How Old Is My AC?
Depending on when you moved into your property, you may or may not be aware of the age of the system.

This can be a big deal because older systems tend to use a lot more energy and cost more to maintain and repair.

3. How Much Will the AC repair Cost?
Before jumping into repairing your existing system, make sure you understand the full cost of repairs.

Also, discuss the cost of replacement with a more modern system with the AC repair team. It's important to try to strike the right balance between repairing what you have and replacing it. Keeping your current system may potentially end up costing you more in the long run.

4. Is My AC Energy Efficient?
This is an important consideration when deciding whether it is worth repairing your current AC.

You may shell out hundreds of dollars on an AC unit repair, only to find that replacing it with a new, more efficient model would have saved you money in the long run.

If your AC system is around the ten year age mark, this is a conversation worth having. Technology has moved on dramatically and could translate into major savings on your energy bills.

5. Should I Repair My AC, or Replace It?
This is the big question, and many factors go into answering it.

As discussed, energy efficiency is part of the question. Also, even with a repair, will it meet your needs in terms of cooling? Also, what are the anticipated maintenance and repair costs for this type of system down the line?

Discuss these factors with your All Pro AC repair crew before making any repair or replacement decisions.

In Summary: Making the Best AC repair Decisions
AC repair is a headache that none of us want to face, but asking the 5 questions above can help you make the right choice.

While it's easy to think about the here and now, with AC repair s, it pays to think 5 to 10 years down the line. Good decisions now may mean lower energy, repair and maintenance costs down the line.

The team at ALL Pro Conditioning and Heating are ready to help you with any AC issues you're experiencing.

Click here to contact us today and set up an appointment.

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