As you know, Daylight Saving Time (DST) starts next week. If you have a dog, you'll know right away everything has changed, because your pooch will want to go outside at a different time of day. Of course, it's only a different time of day according to the clock: your dog tells time with light. Your body does as well, which is why everything feels a bit “off” for a few days. It's like jet lag except you aren't going on a fun vacation.
DST is something everyone accepted for decades as “the way things are.” Now the idea of ditching this spring shift in clocks is gaining popularity. I've done my research on this and would like to share with you why Daylight Saving Time exists in the first place, and why it might be time to toss it aside like a chew toy long past its usefulness.
Benjamin Franklin proposed something similar to Daylight Saving Time in 1784 in an essay that was semi-joking. But a hundred years later, the German Empire put the idea into practice—and other countries adopted it. Here's the original rationale:
If you read these above advantages and thought, “Most of that doesn't apply in the 21st century,” then you already understand why there's a push to stop fiddling with clocks in March. Aside from not offering the same benefits it once did, DST has some major negatives:
Are we on track to get rid of Daylight Saving Time? Maybe. I know that if you polled all dogs, we'd definitely vote on scrapping it: we want you up when it's time for us to go out!
You know who else pays no attention to Daylight Saving Time? The weather! If you need help in these closing winter days with your heating in Waco,Tx., all you have to do is reach out to us. Our technicians not only provide heating repair work, they'll give you a head start on warmer weather with AC maintenance service. Call (254) 624-4917
The post Daylight Saving Time: Should We Keep It Around? appeared first on All Pro A/C.