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Can Air-Conditioning Cause a Cold?

Can Air-Conditioning Cause a Cold?

Midsummer, when the mercury hits 100, air-conditioning is amazing! But does this sudden drop in temperature contribute to respiratory illness or colds?

In the colder months when colds and respiratory issues are more prominent, cold is not what is causing it. These are caused by bacteria.

Because A/C units extract moisture from the air, it can dry out our mucus that lines our nostrils. This is a more inviting environment for viruses, so they have a better chance of surviving.

In 2004, 940 women participated in a study to see if working in central air conditioning had a higher rate of absence. This was judged by absence due to sickness, ear, nose and throat illnesses. There were higher rates of absenteeism due to illness in the employees who worked in offices with Central Air Condition vs. those who work in offices with natural ventilation.

Many people use a humidifier to help put moisture back into the air. Also, remember to change those filters regularly and have a maintenance analysis done on your unit once a year. If you need assistance, call All Pro A/C and Heating, Waco Texas (254) 624-4917

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