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Automatic versus the On Setting: Which Thermostat Setting Uses More Energy Dollars$$$?

Automatic versus the On Setting: Which Thermostat Setting Uses More Energy Dollars$$$?


Most of us have lived in a home or two that had thermostats. Most of us have no clear idea what the difference between the Auto setting and the ON setting, and why have the choice?

All we know is Auto is the place to be.


“On” will cost you more money to use. Here is the difference between the two settings.

Both of these setting refer to how your air conditioners fan will operate. The fan is located in the inside unit and helps distribute the conditioned air throughout your home.

“Auto” means it works ONLY when the air is being heated or cooled. When your home reaches the temperature set on the thermostat, the fan stops.

“On” means the fan is on every minute of the day.

4 reasons you shouldn't use the “On” setting

Increases electric bill—running the fan will add $50+ to your electric bill each month.

Fills air filter rapidly— since the fan never stops, it will collect more dust. Now you will need to change the filter more often.

Can make you feel cold in winter—the air coming through will feel cold when the system is off.

Needs more maintenance—using the fan more often means cuts it life expectancy.

Some advantages

The fan will circulate air more evenly throughout your home.

Running the fan more often means that filter is catching more airborne pollutants that agitate allergy and asthma symptoms.

Before you start vacuuming, turn your thermostat to “On.” This will pull in airborne dust into your return air filter before the dust has the chance to settle again.

So use Auto most of the time. When you use the ON setting, just remember to set it back on Auto.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to call All Pro Air Condition and Heating Waco Texas (254) 624-4917 .

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